
Saturday, 29 March 2014

CSS3 and HTML5 Social media icons

Just Follow these steps and make your Own buttons Using CSS3
  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <title>CSS3 and HTML5 Social media icons</title>
  <div class="wrapper">
  <a class="icon facebook" href="#"><span class="zocial-facebook"></span></a>
  <a class="icon twitter" href="#"><span class="zocial-twitter"></span></a>
  <a class="icon linkedin" href="#"><span class="zocial-linkedin"></span></a>
  <a class="icon youtube" href="#"><span class="zocial-youtube"></span></a>
  <a class="icon flickr" href="#"><span class="zocial-flickr"></span></a>
  <a class="icon email" href="#"><span class="zocial-email"></span></a>

import url(http://weloveiconfonts.com/api/?family=zocial);

/* zocial */
[class*="zocial-"]:before {  font-family: 'zocial', sans-serif;}

body{  background: url("http://subtlepatterns.com/patterns/cloth_alike.png") repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;}
.wrapper{  width: 325px;  height: 50px;  position: absolute;  top: 50%;  left: 50%;  margin-left: -162px;  margin-top: -25px;}

.icon{  display: inline-block;  position: relative;  color: #bdbdbd;  width: 50px;  height: 50px;  text-align: center;  font-size: 1.47em;  line-height: 2em;  background-color: #fff;  -moz-border-radius: 50%;  -webkit-border-radius: 50%;  border-radius: 50%;  box-shadow: 0px 3px 0px #bdbdbd, 0px 3px 10px #bababa;  -webkit-transition:background-color 250ms ease 0s;  transition:background-color 250ms ease 0s;}

.zocial-facebook{margin-left: -8px}
.icon.facebook:hover{background-color: #4986c7;}
.twitter:hover{background-color: #4cb6e8;}
.linkedin:hover{background-color: #29a0cc;}
.youtube:hover{background-color: #a32929;}
.flickr:hover{background-color: #c257ad;}
.email:hover{background-color: #d5b120;}

a{  text-decoration: none;}
.icon:hover{  color: #fff;  box-shadow: 0px 3px 0px #686868, 0px 3px 10px #7e7e7e;}
.icon:active{  box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 4px #3d3d3d, 0px 0px 0px #bdbdbd;  top: 3px;}

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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Transfer Skype History to Another Computer

Make sure that Skype is not running on your computer. Both the old and the new.

Go to Windows Start and in the Search/Run box type %appdata%\skype and press Enter or the OK button. This will open a window with a Skype folder. Within this folder locate a subfolder with name corresponding to your Skype name. Open this folder. You will find there a file with name main.db. It may have just have a name “main” if your PC is setup to not show extensions for known file types but you will still see description “Data Base File” in the Type column. Copy this main.db file to any removable storage, like e.g. an USB flash drive or CD and transfer it to the corresponding folder on your other PC. You will now be able to see the whole call history from the old Skype installation on the new installation.

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